As you know that branded goods are such a dear, people tend to settle for cheaper alternatives or even replicas / knock-offs of the real stuff.
This is applicable to Longchamp Le Pliage / Planetes handbags too...
In order to shed some light to whether the bags you possess are the real stuff, I have examined my Longchamp Planetes which I have bought in Longchamp's flagship store from Paris, France.
I bought my Longchamp bag 2 years ago during my Europe Trip :)
Here are my findings:
At a glance: Stitchings - the stitchings are detailed and even
Details - the engraving and the buckle
YKK Label at the sides of the zipper
Back of the button - "ORIGINAL" engraved on it. Its really funny that the Authentic bag literally screams that it is original...
VS the Chiong (pirated / fake) ones ~~ confirm plus chop not Original LOL
Oh yes, by the way if you run your hands through the back of the flap, it will feel very rough if the bag's a knock-off. Authentic ones should feel smooth n velvety ~
The button at the back of the compartment - surrounded by a plastic disc as protection...
VS a Chiong Version tt has no budget to do the plastic disc.. Who will bother to open the bag n inspect?!
Longchamp Carecard
What [D]a Rabbit Likes abt Longchamp Handbags?
1. Ultra lightweight
2. Durable & washable
3. Provides great storage space especially when you are travelling around
4. Affordable, the most basic entry level type of bags
5. Classic design that will not go out of Fashion easily as they match your casual dressing really well
As the retail price in Singapore is considered steep, Da Rabbit recommends you to purchase your Longchamp frm trusted sellers. For instance, Sam-Dora which imports her stocks directly from London, UK. Please do visit her page ( for more details...
After gaining new insights of your branded bag, do carry it with lots of confidence and poise.
You might also be keen to read about our review on other beauty products Sam-Dora offers too (click on picture to read review):